M.W. : Chi siete? Cosa andate cercando in queste terre virtuali?
C.C.: Siamo Lorena Boetto e Carlo Camorali, due ragazzi di 22 anni che studiano nel corso di laurea di Disegno Industriale al Politecnico di Torino. Abbiamo deciso di intraprendere questo percorso all'interno di Second Life perchè pensiamo che sia uno strumento che possiede enormi potenzialità. Un universo virtuale dove è possibile per chiunque poter creare contenuto e condividerlo con tutto il mondo, in un modo semplice e intuitivo. Pensiamo che quest'aspetto sia realmente rivoluzionario.
M.W.: Com'è nato il progetto? Un'idea comune?
L.B.: Durante il nostro corso di studi abbiamo entrambi partecipato a uno stage presso studi di progettazione, uno che si occupava di problematiche espositive, mentre l'altro lavorava nel campo del virtuale. Abbiamo così deciso di unire le nostre due esperienze per intraprendere la creazione della nostra tesi di laurea triennale, decidendo di indirizzarci verso la progettazione di questo museo virtuale, avendo notato, in seguito a una fase di ricerca durata alcuni mesi, che non esistevano strutture di questo tipo.
M.W.: Parlateci della vostra tesi. Quali sono le sue finalità?
C.C: La nostra tesi consiste nella progettazione di una struttura museale virtuale, che abbiamo deciso di chiamare Design atmoSPHERE, ponendovi all'interno un'esposizione di dieci oggetti di disegno industriale intitolata "Design as a tool to improve life". Abbiamo deciso di utilizzare questo gioco di parole per unire il fatto che il museo sia un insieme di ambienti, di atmosfere, distaccati tra loro, e che questi stessi ambienti siano contenuti all'interno di sfere.
Questo museo è stato pensato per contenere un'esposizione di oggetti progettati da designers torinesi under 35, per dare visibilità a questo settore, soprattutto in questo anno che vede Torino come la prima capitale mondiale del design. Abbiamo così deciso di collaborare con Turn, una design community torinese che unisce al suo interno circa duecento studi di progettazione. Di questi duecento, sei si sono offerti di fornirci dei loro progetti per l'esposizione.
La seconda finalità è quella di poter esporre al meglio un oggetto di disegno industriale. Siamo convinti che sia sbagliato esporre un oggetto di design come se fosse un'opera d'arte. Ogni oggetto è pensato per essere usato, e soprattutto usato nel contesto per cui è stato progettato. Allontanando l'oggetto dal contesto e dall'utente si dimezza il suo potenziale di espressione.
M.W.: Qual è il percoso della mostra? La struttura da cosa è composta e come è disposta?
L.B: Abbiamo deciso di non pensare a un percorso predefinito, ma lasciare la libertà all'utente di muoversi come meglio crede. Per fare ciò abbiamo realizzato una struttura composta da coppie di sfere distaccate tra loro, di cui una contiene l'oggetto ambientato nel proprio contesto d'uso e l'altra presenta tutte le informazioni riguardanti l'oggetto esposto.
Il percorso inizia dall'ingresso, unica struttura posizionata a terra. Tutte gli altri ambienti sono disposti in aria. Dall'ingresso, tramite un teletrasporto, si raggiunge la "sfera dell'accoglienza", dove presentiamo al pubblico il museo e la mostra che contiene. Affiancata a quest'area troviamo la "sfera dei teletrasporti", un ambiente che contiene i dieci teletrasporti che portano alle diverse sale espositive. Per stimolare la curiosità del visitatore abbiamo rappresentato un particolare dell'oggetto al di sopra del proprio teletrasporto, in modo che l' utente non sappia ancora quale oggetto troverà nella sfera espositiva, ma sarà portato a ricercarlo all'interno dell'ambiente in base al particolare visto prima. All'interno di ogni sfera espositiva l'utente troverà poi un ulteriore teletrasporto che lo riporterà nella sfera centrale, per poter così continuare la propria visita scegliendo un'altra sfera.
M.W.: Per voi cosa rappresenta Second Life? Che rappporto può avere con l'università italiana?
C.C: Troviamo che sia altamente innovativo che due ragazzi senza particolari conoscenze informatiche possano creare un qualcosa che poi realmente esista in uno spazio virtuale, visibile e condivisibile da chiunque e da ogni parte del mondo.
Consideriamo Second Life una fantastica piattaforma di confronto e di creazione di valore, che dovrebbe essere più valorizzata.
Le potenzialità di questo mondo virtuale potrebbero essere altamente sfruttate dall'università, in quanto può diventare un grande veicolo di conoscenza. Oggi manca il contatto e il confronto diretto tra i diversi atenei e politecnici, e Second Life potrebbe essere un ponte di congiunzione che faciliterebbe di molto questo processo. Il fatto che Second Life sia poi fruibile da tutte le parti del mondo, potrebbe portare ad allargare questa rete di contatti tra gli atenei anche al di fuori del territorio italiano, creando un network tra le diverse facoltà che potrebbe portare molti benefici.
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accidents are accidents. Many Internet resources base jump remain on technical topics such as "entanglement" and "fatal malfunction." In the last 29 years there were
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wish Witchalls never took first place either. "I never planned to become a base jumper," he said. "I was skydiving and I had a friend who did this. I came along new balance factory outlet a time
I watched him, but I never thought it was for me. Finally, he said: "Go, a Will, but until then, I really did not intend to do so. "In time, base jumping has become
something of a refuge from a pre-jump past that had involved" clubbing, out everything else. "" To be honest, it saved me from all that. I was a bit of a party animal.
I now have companions who are still not a lot and I find myself say no, I'm busy. I'll get up in the middle of the night and take a leap and I come back and my
girlfriend did not even know I'm gone. Sometimes I think there is a element in dependence of it. But I'll stop at a given time. You must. "It will be an emotional time.
Was the feeling that Witchalls could be one of the last of the All this ancient race base crawling new balance shoes for men on the night exploration and closing jumps: .. it can not really go
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a rural officially sanctioned platform. Yeah, maybe I could become a teacher, "shrugs Witchalls, looking skeptical." I'm not sure it's for me. I do not want the
responsibility if things went wrong. I do not mean for anyone to http://www.louisvuittonoutlet--2014.com base jumping. You just have to want to do. "This is about how the basic jump started a hobby
underground formalized for the first time in 1978 when a California called Carl Boenish made ??a documentary movie of his wife and two friends jumping from one rock to
Yosemite National Park. Before long Boenish and his friends jumped bridges and electricity pylons. They invented the acronym guide. Word began to spread, untouched by
Boenish of . own death in 1984 by jumping off a bridge Some highlight followed: in 1985, the James Bond film A View to a Kill founded his first appearance on the big
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the Whispering Interior gallery of St. Paul, a stunning fall short. Two years ago Herv¨¦ Le Gallou and a man whose name Darlington jumped Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the
highest building in the world (The Gallou was caught repeating the jump and was detained by the police for three months). It is from these roots that California base
The numbering system revered jumping springs: You can request a "basic number" official when you have completed all four types of jump successfully (ie without die).
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a sky-diver boy, not yet to join him on a basic jump. With his nocturnal solemnities Batman-like, it seems that in the basis of a solitary male discovered an extreme
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daughters, ages 4 and 5, when the current deployment of their father. Recently, watching a DVD, sent proved almost more than the children could handle, Stehle said. "It
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next issue. Thirty-six floors up on the roof of the tower block in the wee hours of a wet Thursday evening the eastern fringes of the city of London are very different
from the meandering claustrophobia level floor. Up to here is a series of London peaks, alpine invisible light of the impasse daily. It's beautiful, scary and
unexpected calm. Dan Witchalls, the base jumper Prime Minister of Great Britain (The acronym stands for "Buildings, Antennas, spans and earth"), the horizon is also a
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occupational hazard for the rider base in urban areas, a further which is to enter tall buildings, usually at night and often illegally, and jumping off with just a
small parachute parachute to ease your fall. A Veteran 10-year basis, Witchalls also jumped Nelson's Column, the Trellick Tower and almost any object in the heart of
London that you have already found yourself squinting up to (only Gherkin seems destined to remain undefeated. "curve", he shrugs: "You want to kill yourself trying")
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month's stunning Channel 4 documentary The men who jump off buildings - but it turns out that this is a slightly misleading title Witchalls also jumps out cranes,
bridges and cliffs .. This is a misleading title in other respects. Urban Rider is much more than just jumping. He scouts buildings. He studied the safety devices. It
reads time (to walk on the dark sidewalks Witchalls discharge in its wake a trail of small pieces of paper folded his wind-tell tales) It also breaks. we won access to
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window of 10 feet on the ground and the size of a mailbox. So here we are finally, brooding over the night sky, only one of us with any think it was to take the stairs
down up here Witchalls briefly remember another legend London. Spring Heeled Jack, a mythical Victorian jester-cum-outlaw was seen jumping from roof to roof after dark
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of our meeting, which focused on a set of style prohibit rave last minute instructions that ended in the parking lot of McDonald near Canary Wharf. Secret is, of
course, a necessary part of it. "basic jump is not illegal" Witchalls said we carried on an office building in Docklands. "But it is generally intrusion. All these
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more pretentious kind of graffiti. this is tempting to dream about the basic philosophy jump, his rejection of the tyranny of the oppressive architecture of town and
want to get a piece of private subcontracting . urban space, I do not know what I just like doing it because it's fun, "Witchalls shrugs and in the flesh, it seems more
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question if requested). What exactly are qualified rider high level database, you must have good reactions. But above all you just need to keep your nerve, "he said."
You only get one chance. You can not make mistakes there. I've seen enough injuries. I do not want to end up banged up in some <h1><a href="http://www.usalouisvuittonoutlet-store.com" title="http://www.usalouisvuittonoutlet-store.com">http://www.usalouisvuittonoutlet-store.com</a></h1> hospital bed with screws and pins holding
me together. "To the point it is tempting to ask the big question: why do all basic jump is a hobby ridiculously dangerous The real risk is not as bad as death; more?.
accidents are accidents. Many Internet resources base jump remain on technical topics such as "entanglement" and "fatal malfunction." In the last 29 years there were
147 known A blog on the official website of the sport death warns. "In the short time in the sport that I saw two helicopters flying life outside two others inside, in
the back of a police car, several broken bones and a Funeral. I also spent three weeks in <h1><a href="http://www.michaelkorspursesonline.com" title="michael kors bags online sale">michael kors bags online sale</a></h1> intensive care and 18 hours of neurosurgery. Do you really want to do "The
short answer is of course no, I do not want to do it at all Not only that, as we reach a landing site, a scrubby patch .. grass between the streetlights, I begin to
wish Witchalls never took first place either. "I never planned to become a base jumper," he said. "I was skydiving and I had a friend who did this. I came along a time
I watched him, but I never thought it was for me. Finally, he said: "Go, a Will, but until then, I really did not intend to do so. "In time, base jumping has <h1><a href="http://www.michaelkors-outlet-handbags.net" title="Michael Kors Outlet Handbags">Michael Kors Outlet Handbags</a></h1> become
something of a refuge from a pre-jump past that had involved" clubbing, out everything else. "" To be honest, it saved me from all that. I was a bit of a party animal.
I now have companions who are still not a lot and I find myself say no, I'm busy. I'll get up in the middle of the night and take a leap and I come back and my
girlfriend did not even know I'm gone. Sometimes I think there is a element in dependence of it. But I'll stop at a given time. You must. "It will be an emotional time.
Was the feeling that Witchalls could be one of the last <h1><a href="http://www.katespadeoutletst.com" title="Kate Spade Bags">Kate Spade Bags</a></h1> of the All this ancient race base crawling on the night exploration and closing jumps: .. it can not really go
on forever For starters, the base itself out of the underground and become quietly managed and formalized part of the regular extreme. Why get into a building in the
middle of the night when you can go on a course and jump under the auspices of an accredited instructor? You can base jump on your stag do now or organize a weekend in
a rural officially sanctioned platform. Yeah, maybe I could become a teacher, "shrugs Witchalls, looking skeptical." I'm not sure it's for me. I do not want the
responsibility if things went <h1><a href="http://www.louisvuittonsunglassess.net" title="http://www.louisvuittonsunglassess.net">http://www.louisvuittonsunglassess.net</a></h1> wrong. I do not mean for anyone to base jumping. You just have to want to do. "This is about how the basic jump started a hobby
underground formalized for the first time in 1978 when a California called Carl Boenish made ??a documentary movie of his wife and two friends jumping from one rock to
Yosemite National Park. Before long Boenish and his friends jumped bridges and electricity pylons. They invented the acronym guide. Word began to spread, untouched by
Boenish of . own death in 1984 by jumping off a bridge Some highlight followed: in 1985, the James Bond film A View to a Kill founded his first appearance on the big
screen, <h1><a href="http://www.katespadehandbags.net" title="Kate Spade New York">Kate Spade New York</a></h1> rogue hunting-scene jumping from the Eiffel Tower. Five years later, the sport has made ??waves in the UK when an Englishman named Russell Powell jumped from
the Whispering Interior gallery of St. Paul, a stunning fall short. Two years ago Herv¨¦ Le Gallou and a man whose name Darlington jumped Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the
highest building in the world (The Gallou was caught repeating the jump and was detained by the police for three months). It is from these roots that California base
The numbering system revered jumping springs: You can request a "basic number" official when you have completed all four types of jump successfully (ie without die).
Currently, approximately 1400 base numbers <h1><a href="http://www.2013-louisvuittonhandbags.com" title="http://www.2013-louisvuittonhandbags.com">http://www.2013-louisvuittonhandbags.com</a></h1> have been allocated. But it is really just jumping buildings. Same acronym governing his sport, with its "S" "Span" (instead
of "B" for "bridge" - narrowly avoiding the humiliation furrowed "Jump babe") tells a story Witchalls does not remember a single regular female. rider. His girlfriend,
a sky-diver boy, not yet to join him on a basic jump. With his nocturnal solemnities Batman-like, it seems that in the basis of a solitary male discovered an extreme
form, adrenaline of the crowd to hide or allotment lies. It is only 36 floors up on the roof just in front of Tower Bridge that solitary . aspect of basic jump becomes
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to the edge just as he calls, "Rendez-vous on the ground" with the air of a man about to pop Pot Noodle down. And there he is, off in all that empty air, falling
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il semble que si elles sont en battant. Dix minutes plus tard, apr¨¨s avoir tat¨¦ par les sorties de secours et plus pigeon filet, casque maladroitement en place, je
trouve Witchalls assis sur un banc, chute d¨¦j¨¤ emball¨¦. Il semble maintenant remplie et pr¨ºte ¨¤ quelques heures avant arrach¨¦ les rouleaux de couverture de la journ¨¦e
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zone can be one of the most difficult experiences a child may face, officials breadwinner here said American Forces Press Service. Deborah Smith-Porter, coordinator of
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chance to reconnect. "Lisa Stehle, team leader for Outlook lifestyle post, Networking, Program knowledge and skills, experiencing similar difficulties with her two
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picture and walk home to talk to him, but only when she thought no else was looking, "said Stehle. Therefore, she has learned to keep pictures of her sailor husband
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from eating disturbances and models newborn sleeping setbacks in potty training or walking among infants to tantrums or frustration among older children. Stehle
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from the meandering claustrophobia level floor. Up to here is a series of London peaks, alpine invisible light of the impasse daily. It's beautiful, scary and
unexpected calm. Dan Witchalls, the base jumper Prime Minister of Great Britain (The acronym stands for "Buildings, Antennas, spans and earth"), the horizon is also a
kind of 3D panoramic resume. "See that. Exchange of shares. Done that, "he said, as he deals with some final preparations." There, the shard. done that. Wemb This is an
occupational hazard for the rider base in urban areas, a further which is to enter tall buildings, usually at night and <a href="http://www.michaelkorsoutletonlinest.net" title="http://www.michaelkorsoutletonlinest.net">http://www.michaelkorsoutletonlinest.net</a> often illegally, and jumping off with just a
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London that you have already found yourself squinting up to (only Gherkin seems destined to remain undefeated. "curve", he shrugs: "You want to kill yourself trying")
More recently, he took another type. jump. next to a known internal sectarian in a public television fame with his friend Ian Richardson, he was the star of last
month's stunning Channel 4 documentary The men who jump off buildings - but it turns out that this is a slightly misleading title Witchalls also <a href="http://www.katespadeoutletinc.com" title="kate spade outlet">kate spade outlet</a> jumps out cranes,
bridges and cliffs .. This is a misleading title in other respects. Urban Rider is much more than just jumping. He scouts buildings. He studied the safety devices. It
reads time (to walk on the dark sidewalks Witchalls discharge in its wake a trail of small pieces of paper folded his wind-tell tales) It also breaks. we won access to
our chosen disguised as Village People-esque roof manufacturers; later, facing a potentially catastrophic locked in some kind door itself Witchalls leverage through a
window of 10 feet on the ground and the size of a mailbox. So here we are finally, brooding over the night sky, only one of us with any <a href="http://www.chanelfactoryoutletstore.com.cm " title="http://www.chanelfactoryoutletstore.com.cm ">http://www.chanelfactoryoutletstore.com.cm </a> think it was to take the stairs
down up here Witchalls briefly remember another legend London. Spring Heeled Jack, a mythical Victorian jester-cum-outlaw was seen jumping from roof to roof after dark
n Witchalls fact is one of the figures less dark elite base jump and sport the most visible public face. previous portraits have tended to focus on the contrast between
his hobby and dizzying kind normality of everyday life as Essex Roofing; but he who is preparing for a night freefall urban establishing his parachute on the bed in the
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of our meeting, which focused on a set of style prohibit rave last minute instructions that ended in the parking lot of McDonald near Canary Wharf. Secret is, of
course, a necessary part of it. "basic jump is not illegal" Witchalls said we carried on an office building in Docklands. "But it is generally intrusion. All these
buildings are privately owned. They do not really want you skip them. "There are also, you feel an element of theater. Twenty years after its initial public emergence
in the 1990s basic jump still feels like an act personal rebellion, aligned in spirit with other extreme activities such as free running, <a href="http://www.fashionbagsplaza.com" title="kate spade bags">kate spade bags</a> and even skateboarding and
more pretentious kind of graffiti. this is tempting to dream about the basic philosophy jump, his rejection of the tyranny of the oppressive architecture of town and
want to get a piece of private subcontracting . urban space, I do not know what I just like doing it because it's fun, "Witchalls shrugs and in the flesh, it seems more
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the back of a police car, several broken bones and a Funeral. I also spent three weeks in intensive care and 18 hours of neurosurgery. Do you really want to do "The
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I watched him, but I never thought it was for me. Finally, he said: "Go, a Will, but until then, I really did not intend to do so. "In time, base jumping has become
something of a refuge from a pre-jump past that had involved" clubbing, out everything else. "" To be honest, it saved me from all that. I was a bit of a party animal.
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responsibility if things went wrong. I do not mean for anyone to base jumping. You just have to want to do. "This is about how the basic jump started a hobby
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Boenish of . own death in 1984 by jumping off a bridge Some highlight followed: in 1985, the James Bond film A View to a Kill founded his first appearance on the big
screen, rogue hunting-scene jumping from the Eiffel Tower. Five years later, the sport has made ??waves in the UK when an Englishman named Russell Powell jumped from
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The numbering system revered jumping springs: You can request a "basic number" official when you have completed all four types of jump successfully (ie without die).
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form, adrenaline of the crowd to hide or allotment lies. It is only 36 floors up on the roof just in front of Tower Bridge that solitary . aspect of basic jump becomes
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