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Research to Business: La Fondazione Valore Italia incontra la [Nizan] 
Nell'ambito del IV salone della ricerca industriale, R2B "Research to Business", che si terrà a Bologna il 5 e il 6 Giungo 2008, la Fondazione Valore Italia incontrerà la società di soluzioni Open source [Nizan].
Le due realtà si affiancheranno nell'ottica di un intento comune: confrontare le proprie esperienze e valutazioni sulla Realtà virtuale di Second Life e non solo, alla ricerca di nuove vie per la comunicazione e l'impresa.
Attraverso due incontri che si terranno durante la manifestazione, verranno esaminate diverse tematiche inerenti la comunicazione, la didattica, la cultura e il business, grazie alla presenza di alcuni gruppi di lavoro italiani e internazionali presenti sulla piattaforma virtuale di Second Life.
Un'occasione per la Fondazione Valore Italia di raccontare la sua esperienza a sei mesi dall'apertura della sua Land, Experience Italy.
I dibattiti avverranno su due fronti: quello reale, presso la fiera R2B, ospitati dallo stand della [Nizan], e quello virtuale, presso Ex.it, tutto in streaming video.
Interverrano, durante il primo incontro, Guido Razzano e Alessandro Ferrante per la Fondazione Valore Italia, e Antonella Berriolo per LanguageLab: si parlerà del Made in Italy e della cultura Italiana nel mondo, fino ad arrivare all'insegnamento "virtuale" di lingue "reali".
Nel secondo incontro si alterneranno al microfono Alessia Ramaschiello per Communication Village, che ci illustrerà le potenzialità del Marketing su Second Life con alcune considerazioni di esperienza diretta, e Patrizia Nofi per Ardigraf, che ci racconterà la sua esperienza da Imprenditrice Virtuale con il gruppo di moda "virtuale" Shouted.

Programma della Fiera

Bologna 5/6 Giugno 2008 - Research to Business

Innovazione, Made in Italy, Cultura e Didattica

5 Giugno Quartiere Fieristico
Ore 10.30 Introduzione

Stefano Guandalini - avatar guandalf Laszlo - [ nizan ] Open Source Solutions
Dal web 2.0 attraverso il Web Semantico approdando all' Intelligent

Diretta da Second Life
Ore 11.00 Presentazione di come è possibile usare Second Life per la diffusione del Made in Italy e dalle Cultura Italiana, di come la nostra lingua può viaggiare attraverso i mondi virtuali e approdare nel reale.

Guido Razzano - avatar Ausone Oh, Alessandro Ferrante avatar Ikkyo hyun - Valore Italia
Made in Italy, Cultura e Informazione - il Made in Italy ed Experience Italy

Antonella Berriolo - avatar Anna Begonia - LanguageLab
Languagelab, un esempio di apprendimento immersivo delle lingue su Second Life

6 Giugno Quartiere Fieristico
Ore 9.30 Introduzione

Stefano Guandalini - avatar guandalf Laszlo - [ nizan ] Open Source Solutions

Diretta da Second Life
Ore 9.40

Alessia Ramaschiello avatar Skiello Oh - Communication Village
Second Experience: considerazioni e prospettive sul marketing esperienziale in Second Life

Patrizia Nofi - avatar Patrizia Blessed - ArDiGraf
Business: Shouted fare impresa su Second Life

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In this video from garmentcare, Martha Stewart and Wayne Edelman teach us how to care of suede and leather. To determine if your leather is painted or analin, put a but of mineral water on it. If the color comes off, it is painted leather and you can treat that yourself. Baby wipes work very well on painted leather. This works well on leather couches and car upholstery and jackets. Suede can safely be brushed at home. Place a paper towel underneath the stain and brush the spot. On suede shoes, fill the shoe with newspaper to maintain form. Then brush the shoe to remove any water spots. If you get caught in the rain with suede jackets hang it on a hanger, button everything up, dry it away from heat.
Nowadays, a lot of men and women just enjoy to wear cowboy boots. They are making use of them when they go to perform, ride their motorbikes and even during their evening out with their friends. There are heaps of styles that you will look great in wearing Dingo Boots. People from distinct walks of life can put them on in any occasion they go and in anytime of the day, creating a great fashion statement.
It is essential to pick the proper set of boots and shoes, whether trainers or work boots, provided that there is excessive distress and annoyance in wearing the incorrect shoes. If you dislike your footwears or if you identify them as well tight or likewise loosened, you would certainly not be that successful at work.
The cover of this new memoir a soft focus I am beautiful in my suffering shot could easily be a CD sleeve of the follow up to his 1987 record Generation of Loneliness. (One of Everett's sidelines, having failed at his own musical career, has been as the camp, carping Zelig of many a pop star, from Bob Dylan to Robbie Williams.) The theme of wasted youth and squandered promise is prominent from the prologue as is the name dropping. at least 60 her face is deeply lined", who looks as if she might have been sleeping rough, trawling for codeine because "morphine doesn't agree" with her. They get talking, and she reminds him of someone. Her name is Anita. "Later, I am sitting in the empty bar of the hotel nursing a second rum punch something clicks in my head. 'Anita Pallenberg,' I say out loud. Someone is walking on my grave."
I have "Patagonia Wintertide High" in grey and purple. They are so comfortable! Patagonia stuff lasts forever and they have great fix it policies. I second the Sorel Those would be my next choice. Finally, I liked The North Face "Janey II" in looks. But they had rear shoelaces that didn feel right on me. Otherwise I thought they were the cutest! I also heard that "Hunter" boots are very waterproof and you can add a thick liner. You could also wear these on rainy/wet days without looking like you wore a snowboot. I would own a pair but I have trouble easily slipping my foot past the ankle. I don want to work to put my rainboots on!
The G have to deal with the fact that when only Hunter Pence is 100%, going for the Division title this year with all veterans is not going to set up our future. Panik should be started every single day. Duvall should be started every day. They either develop or they don but you never find out by putting them in Fresno every other week. Now is the time to develop these guys. Sorry if this sounds fatalistic but we just don have the health and horsepower right now to win ANY division and should optimize our future by playing our best rookies and trying not to subject our veterans to further injury. A tired player is the most injury prone type of player. It time to acknowledge that this isn our year.
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The upside argument for DECK is that the company sees solid growth in Sanuks, Tevas, and other brands. Further, the company has to be able to convince shoppers that they are more than a winter boot company that is popular with a small sect of the female population. Recent results in Teva and Sanuk are promising. Teva saw 22% increase in sales in Q3 of 2012 and Sanuk saw an increase at 18%. Both brands are still a tiny portion of the company's sales. Therefore, for the next one to two years, the company will need to diversify its UGG lineup. The jury is still out on this, and therefore, we are not sure if they have an upside catalyst. Our take is that UGGs have lost some fashion appeal but some of that lost appeal has been made up for with new buyers from males and other products outside of winter boots.
This is a massive complex of three separate outlet shopping areas. Each area is composed of a parking lot in the centre, surrounded by the stores. You can easily return to your car to drop off your purchases, and then continue to shop. In this visit, we found amazing value at Brooks Brothers, Coach, Vans, Converse and Spyder. The prices at others, such as Calvin Klein and Uggs, were exactly the same as in downtown department stores. As at all outlets, if you are looking for real bargains, you need to know the current US retail prices before you go. We were not impressed by the food offerings, but there are a number of restaurants right outside the outlet mall area, so you can easily get some food as you move from one area to the next (we enjoyed the burgers at In n Out, which is right next to the mall).
Ugg also offers the complete line of high quality handbags and backpacks to match your Uggs. Ugg handbags and backpacks are made from high quality leather and suede just like their boots and include a comfortable and fashionable silk cotton web strap for convenience and style. A couple of Ugg boots, a coordinating Ugg handbag or back pack, and a pair of jeans is a perfect outfit for any sort of casual event.
From the beaches to the ski slopes, Ugg became a symbol of comfort and style. By the early 2000 UGG Australia burst onto the New York fashion scene and began to expand their brand of boots, slippers, sandals, and clogs by adding more colors and styles to their lineup. Later, they added casual leather boots, sneakers, and wedge heeled women shoes. The UGG brand evolved.
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ProfileDeckers Outdoor Corporation, founded in 1975, strives to be the premier lifestyle niche brand in the world. The company sells products including accessories, bags, outerwear, and footwear for casual and high performance use. The firm seeks to differentiate their products by offering, "diverse lines that emphasize authenticity, functionality, quality, and comfort and products tailored to a variety of activities, seasons, and demographic groups." The company's main brand UGG Australia is a luxury/comfort brand and a pioneer in sheepskin footwear space.CXEpkWYpPL

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